K. Turner Transitions will provide executors, families, and trustee’s with a detailed and comprehensive plan to settle an estate property in a timely fashion by coordinating all aspects required to successfully oversee the closure of the estate.
Phase one – We will coordinate and confirm a plan with the client to establish a transition goal and timeline for completion. We will work closely with the client to decide what items will stay in the home; what will be sold by Estate and Consignment Services; and what will be donated to charitable organizations and/or to family members.
Phase Two – Our professional team will organize and de-clutter the home creating an environment conducive to selling.
Phase Three – Complete removal and cleaning of entire home takes place after the clients have transitioned to their new location and the home has sold.
Living Room
Family Room
K.Turner Transitions worked with a wonderful team in this home to assist with organizing, de-cluttering and the staging of this estate property that was going on the market to be sold (and it was!). To increase the value of the property, and to sell efficiently, we removed wallpaper, painted some areas, purchased a new and modern light fixture for the family room/kitchen. We utilized some of the clients furniture and added our special touch with props and staging.
Please see the virtual tour of this beautiful bungalow after we added our creative new look to update and showcase this older home.
Happy clients, family, executors, realtor and K. Turner Transitions!